Tax & VAT Enquiry Fee Protection Service

Jun. 9, 2017, 7:27am

Diagram of HMRC's compliance yieldTax & VAT Enquiry Fee Protection Service!

We understand that tax is a little word with big implications. That’s why we work hard to give you the best possible advice and strategies to make tax altogether less taxing.

The very thought of an HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) enquiry can be daunting but in the event that you are chosen for investigation we can help you at every step of the process.

We will demonstrate to HMRC that you are paying the correct amount of tax and assist with the investigative procedures. As you will appreciate this takes time, expense and flexibility on our behalf.

All of which means that HMRC enquiry charges are an unavoidable addition to our regular service fees.

For your peace of mind, to avoid potential unexpected expenses arising from a possible tax or VAT enquiry, we can now offer you a solution – Tax & VAT Enquiry Fee Protection Service.

Just as you take out products to protect against the eventuality of a possible motoring accident or potential damage to the contents of your home or business, this Service protects you from the costs that arise in dealing with your HMRC enquiry.

In partnership with Croner Taxwise, who are market leaders in this specialist field, we have arranged comprehensive insurance cover which includes zero policy excess along with complimentary access to Employment Law and Commercial Health and Safety advice lines. The Croner Taxwise leaflet provides full details which should answer any questions you may have about tax enquiries, the insurance cover and benefits.

As a valued client we strongly recommend that you take advantage of this service. The cost is extremely competitive and significantly lower than the fees you will incur if investigated. We will be writing to all clients shortly providing details of the cost of the cover.

If you currently subscribe to this service, you should have recentlye received your renewal details and we would urge you to maintain this valuable protection by forwarding your remittance to us in good time before the renewal date of 1 July 2017 to ensure continuity of this service. However, if you do not wish to be included this year, please let us know as soon as possible.

Please note that if we do not receive the payment by your renewal date you will not be covered.



If you want to discuss our Fee Protection Service in conjunction with Croner Taxwise or any other matter, contact us today we would love to hear from you.

We Think. You Gain.

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